Make yourself available

If only for a moment make yourselfAvailable for the use of othersJust as earth, water, fire, wind, medicine,And forests [are available to all].—Nagarjuna's Precious Garland, translation by Jeffrey Hopkins

Connecting with others

We have to train our mind to see what’s good in everyone - not ignoring the faults, but not hardening our mind around them either. When we can see the good in others and see their potential, then our attitude towards them and our way of relating to them changes completely. This is a change... Continue Reading →

Self – Reflection

Self-reflection is not an end in itself. Rather, it is the key that opens the door to your innermost qualities, to buddha nature. It shows you the strength and confidence you already possess as a result of those innate qualities. This strength and confidence allows you to carry on with a sense of richness, of... Continue Reading →

Can animals get ‘enlightened’?

Even in this world, and even now, there are said to be many hidden yogis or discreet yogis, called Bepay Naljor in Tibetan. It means those realized ones who are not generally recognized as great spiritual sages or saints, but have deeply tasted the fruit of enlightenment, and are living it. Perhaps they are anonymously... Continue Reading →

Train in letting go

Samsara simply means the believer of thoughts.Nirvana is seeing that thoughts are not existent.What does this mean? Don't hold your thoughts, let go of your thoughts. This technique, this practice will make you free from suffering, guaranteed. Believing that your emotions are real, believing that your thoughts are real, believing that whatever comes into your... Continue Reading →

The root of dharma

To work on the mind is a very vast subject; in fact it is the subject of the entire Buddha Dharma. In essence the main reason the mind generates it’s confusing passions and intense emotions is the strong clinging to I, me, and mine. Because of that clinging, we suffer when do not obtain all... Continue Reading →

Object subject duality

To understand how delusion arises, practice watching your mind. Begin by simply letting it relax. Without thinking of the past or the future, without feeling hope or fear about this thing or that, let it rest comfortably, open and natural. In this space of the mind, there is no problem, no suffering. Then something catches... Continue Reading →

Become aware of it

True freedom is not doing whatever you want. True freedom is learning you can control what you want. It’s being released from wanting the things that tempt you but don’t bring you happiness. It’s being released from your ego Eliyahu Jian

Our fundamental insecurity

The cause of all these sufferings is our fundamental insecurity. We are always wondering whether we exist or not. Our ego, or rather our attachment to the idea of self, is completely insecure about its own existence. Our ego may seem strong but it is actually quite shaky. Of course, we do not ask such... Continue Reading →

Ocean of samsara

The definition of an ocean of samsara is that as long as we are dualistic, we are in samsara. Anything that is pursued through dualism can never be fulfilled. The appetite of dualism is equal to the size of all space. There is no way to fulfil your desire, greed, hatred, jealousy, pride, stinginess and... Continue Reading →

Have patience

When you try to get rid of fear or anger, what happens? You just get restless or discouraged and have to go eat something or smoke or drink or do something else. But if you wait and endure restlessness, greed, hatred, doubt, despair, and sleepiness, if you observe these conditions as they cease and end,... Continue Reading →

The thought of benefiting others

However the very bottom line is to do all ones actions with bodhichitta. That is the best, the most meaningful way to think. This makes your life most beneficial. As much as possible with awareness keep ones attitude and thoughts in bodhichitta, the thought of benefiting others, try to do all the activities with that... Continue Reading →

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