Bodhisattva vow

As we move through this beautiful and troubled world, may we vow to be a beacon of peace, a fearless carrier of respect and lovingkindness for all life, a teller of truth, a voice for justice, a protector of those who are vulnerable or targeted. May the power of wisdom, integrity and compassion be our... Continue Reading →

Underlying basic sanity

The Buddhist approach is founded on the belief that basic sanity is operative in all states of mind. Confusion, from this point of view, is two-sided: it creates a need, a demand for sanity, which is the beginning point of Buddhism. That is what moved Buddha to meditate beneath the bodhi tree twenty-five hundred years... Continue Reading →

The awakening heart

"This warmth of the heart we are awakening is not just for people close to us, but it is for everyone. The aspiration of bodhicitta is so very vast it is said to be inconceivable. Some people define its vastness as “mission impossible.” Bodhisattvas are people who are committed to this mission of awakening the... Continue Reading →

The river cannot go back – Khalil Gibran

The River Cannot Go Back by Kahlil Gibran "It is said that before entering the seaa river trembles with fear.She looks back at the path she has traveled,from the peaks of the mountains,the long winding road crossing forests and villages.And in front of her, she sees an ocean so vast,that to enter there seems nothing... Continue Reading →

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