Wisdom must serve as medicine

Even if we know a lot about Dharma, we still need to integrate our knowledge with our experience or we won’t be able to reduce our habit of me and mine. Wisdom must serve as medicine; it’s ineffective if it never counteracts our poison or illness. An intellectual knowledge of Dharma is not enough; we... Continue Reading →

Understanding chyoshe

Consider this: whomever we think is close to us now, and for whom we have warm feelings toward now, all these relations will eventually change. By the same token, someone who we feel aggression towards now, could later become close. Relationships always change. So that aggression, just as much as our attachments, has no permanent,... Continue Reading →

Fundamental nature of the human heart

All people have enlightened nature. Everyone’s hearts are innately imbued with tsewa*. Why not cherish what you have in common with all beings rather than make yourself insecure by trying so hard to be special, somehow better than everyone else? If you can enjoy being ordinary, you’ll be free from the insidious, unrelenting pain of... Continue Reading →

We only need this heart

When it is warm with tenderness and affection toward others, our own heart can give us the most pure and profound happiness that exists and enable us to radiate that happiness to others. That happiness is right here within us. It is not something on the outside for which we need to search and strive.... Continue Reading →

What is the most important thing?

"One of my favorite subjects of contemplation is this question: “Since death is certain, but the time of death is uncertain, what is the most important thing?” You know you will die, but you really don’t know how long you have to wake up from the cocoon of your habitual patterns. You don’t know how... Continue Reading →

A different viewpoint

The attitude that results from the Buddhist orientation and practice is quite different from the "mistake mentality." One actually experiences mind as fundamentally pure, that is, healthy and positive, and "problems" as temporary and superficial defilements. Such a viewpoint does not quite mean getting rid of problems, but rather shifting one's focus. Problems are seen... Continue Reading →


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